Selasa, 14 April 2015

Black Veil Brides frontman Andy Biersack telah menanggapi Kiss ' Gene Simmons komentar baru-baru ini "rock is dead".
Anda dapat membaca beberapa kutipan di bawah ini:

"I think that statement was a little misconstrued. I think what he was trying to say, and what probably wouldn't have gotten the big headline, is that the reality is that rock and roll, in the mainstream, it's in a difficult place right now. People don't buy music, and they certainly don't buy rock bands' music in the way that they used to. And so, for our genre, it's kind of... We're limping along when it comes to public appeal."

He continued: "It's really up to the kids who listen to rock music to get out there, come to the live shows and buy the records when they can and really support the genre. Otherwise, it will get taken away from us, because the hip-hop fans and the pop fans, they buy the records and they go to the shows in big numbers. So I think it's a little bit of both. But I believe that rock and roll is alive and well. I just think that people need to show their support and let the genre keep thriving."

"The current touring community is... really, the large arenas and stadiums and shed shows are all predicated on the idea of older artists. In five or ten years, when those artists cannot tour anymore, we're gonna see a huge shift in concers and concert attendance. As much as I'd love to think that The Rolling Stones can go on forever, or Aerosmith or whoever else, physically, they will not be able to, eventually. And when that is done, it's gonna be very interesting to see, because the younger bands don't really have the opportunity to move into those venues."

He add: "A band like Avenged Sevenfold I've praised quite a bit publicly, because it's a band that has moved into that arena-size thing for a hard rock band. Obviously, there's bands like Fall Out Boy and many others who are huge in scale and play those arena shows. But if you look at, like, a hard rock bands with guitar solos and pyro... Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold... There's really only a few."


 "Saya pikir pernyataan itu agak disalahartikan. Saya pikir apa yang dia katakan, dan apa yang mungkin tidak akan mendapatkan judul besar, adalah bahwa kenyataannya adalah bahwa rock and roll, dalam arus utama, itu di tempat yang sulit sekarang. orang tidak membeli musik, dan mereka pasti tidak membeli musik rock band 'dengan cara yang mereka gunakan untuk. jadi, untuk genre yang kami, itu jenis ... kami tertatih-tatih ketika datang banding publik. "

 Ia melanjutkan: "Ini benar-benar sampai ke anak-anak yang mendengarkan musik rock untuk keluar sana, datang ke pertunjukan live dan membeli catatan ketika mereka bisa dan benar-benar mendukung genre Jika tidak, itu akan mendapatkan diambil dari kita, karena. penggemar hip-hop dan para fans pop, mereka membeli catatan dan mereka pergi ke acara dalam jumlah besar. Jadi saya pikir itu adalah sedikit dari keduanya. Tapi saya percaya bahwa rock and roll masih hidup dan baik. saya hanya berpikir bahwa orang-orang perlu untuk menunjukkan dukungan mereka dan membiarkan genre tetap berkembang. "

Dia menambahkan: ". Sebuah band seperti Avenged Sevenfold Aku memuji sedikit terbuka, karena itu adalah band yang telah pindah ke benda arena ukuran untuk sebuah band hard rock Jelas, ada band-band seperti Fall Out Boy dan banyak orang lain yang besar dalam skala dan memutar arena tersebut menunjukkan. Tapi jika Anda melihat, seperti, band hard rock dengan solo gitar dan pyro ... Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold ... Ada benar-benar hanya beberapa. "


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